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Threeway water filter tap 35cm. Primato BERLIN

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If you want to install an under sink water filter but do not want to pierce your kitchen counter so as to install a separate faucet just for filtered water, then this faucet is the perfect solution for you. It has a 3-way switch: Filtered water, Cold tap water, Hot tap water.

Height 35cm

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berlin black

If you want to install an under-sink water filter with a threeway faucet, then the BERLIN faucet is the ideal solution for you.

One switch gives you hot-cold water. The other gives you filtered water.

It connects to any under-sink water filter.

Made from stainless steel

Height 35cm from the base of the faucet to the highest point.

3-way faucet berlin

Comes with a quality aerator for the unfiltered water

Filtered water has its own outlet so that it doesnt come into contact with the unfiltered water.

3 way faucet berlin

Top quality stainless steel

This faucet really upgrades your kitchen.

3 way faucet berlin

Use the right handle to get cold and hot tap water

Use the left handle to get filtered water

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