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Carbon block cartridge made from coconut shells PREMIUM LRC 0.5μm

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PREMIUM LRC can reduce chlorine, heavy metals such as lead, cysts, VOC's (volatile organic chemicals) and a wide list of harmful chemiclas from your water. It has a permeability of 0.5 microns and can fit most standard housings in the market. It is made from Coconut Shell Activated Carbon. 

European Certification EN-ISO 14898

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PREMIUM LRC activated carbon filter:

  • Effectively reduces chlorine and its derivatives, unpleasant taste and odor, heavy metals, chloroform, pesticides, organic chemicals, volatile organic compounds (VOC), industrial residues, toxics, turbidity, cysts, Cryptosporidium, Giardia, Toxoplasma, coliforms, microorganisms, asbestos fibers, suspended particles, mud, rust, soils and various other harmful substances.
  • Reduces Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC's). VOC's include both man-made and naturally occurring chemicals. We usually find them in wells or pipes. Some VOC's are pesticides, herbicides and insecticides that enter groundwater after human application. Some other VOCs enter groundwater from industrial use or from sewage.
  • Does not remove minerals and trace elements necessary for the body.
  • High quality activated carbon is made from coconut husk.
  • Permeability 0.5μm.
  • Fits most commercial filter holders up to 10 inches high.
  • Significantly improves the taste and smell of water.
  • Must be replaced at least every 8000L or once a year.

Premium LRC Capabilities and Certifications

  • Maximum capacity 8000L or one year.
  • Complies with Greel Official Gazette 4973/B/2020 - "Specifications and requirements for equipment (devices or provisions) for treating water for human consumption supplied to internal water supply networks of buildings".
  • Primato is certified to the ELOT EN ISO 9001:2015 standard with scope of application "Management manufacturing, assembling, trading & distribution of water filters".
  • It has EN ISO 14898 certification. 
  • Conforms to EU Directive 94/62/EC.
  • Complies with Directive 98/83 and all its amendments on water quality of human consumption.

Filter reducing substances according to EN ISO 14898 Certification:

  • Chlorine: At 8000 liters of water it reduces chlorine by 93.81% with very fast water flow. For the effectiveness of the filter in terms of chlorine removal the residual chlorine was checked at a concentration of 1ppm. The efficiency control of the filters in terms of chlorine removal was done with based on ISO EN 14898:2006+A1. Complete removal was achieved in all tests performed of the substance that complies with the removal percentage set by ISO for chlorine and amounts to >90%. Based on European certifications, this filter belongs to CLASS 1 (superior quality).
  • 1,2 Dichloroethane:. In 8000 liters of water it reduces 1,2 Dichloroethane by 100% with very fast flow of water.
  • Nitrates:. In 2000 liters of water it reduces nitrates by 97.50%.
  • Lead:. At 8000 liters of water it reduces lead by 100%.
  • Lead in water with pH 6.5:. In 8000 liters of water with a pH of 6.5, it reduces lead by 100% The lead concentration in the tests was 100ppb.
  • Lead in water with pH 8.5:. In 8000 liters of water with a pH of 8.5, it reduces lead by 98.27%. The lead concentration in the tests was 100ppb.
  • Aluminum in water with pH 6.5:. At 8000 liters of water it reduces Aluminum by 92.86%. THE aluminum concentration in the tests was 600ppb.
  • Aluminum in water with pH 8.5:. At 8000 liters of water it reduces Aluminum by 96.73%. THE aluminum concentration in the tests was 600ppb. For the effectiveness of the filter in terms of removal of aluminum (Al) tested water concentration 600ppb. In all tests it was achieved removal of the substance complying with the removal percentage specified by ISO for aluminum and amounts to >70%
  • Copper in water with pH 6.5:. At 8000 liters of water it reduces copper by 92.11%.
  • Copper in water with pH 8.5:. At 8000 liters of water it reduces copper by 100%. For efficiency of the filter in terms of Copper removal, water with a concentration of 3ppm was tested. In all tests achieved a removal of the substance that complies with the percentage of removal that sets the ISO for copper and is >80%
  • Arsenic in water with pH 6.5:. In 8000 liters of water it reduces arsenic by 98.41%.
  • Arsenic in water with pH 8.5:. At 8000 liters of water it reduces arsenic by 98.33%. For the effectiveness of PREMIUM LRC in removing arsenic (As) was tested in water concentration ten times the legal limit for the quality of water for human consumption, according to EC directive 98/83. Efficiency testing was done based on ISO EN 14898:2006+A1. In all of them tests, full compliance with the removal rate specified by ISO for arsenic was achieved and amounts to >90%. Testing for arsenic is not an ISO requirement but was requested by the Primate.
  • Colobacilli:. At 8000 liters of water, it reduces coliform bacteria by 100%. For effectiveness of PREMIUM LRC in terms of the removal of coliforms the microorganisms were tested in concentration ten times the legal limit for the quality of water for human consumption, according to EC directive 98/83. Full compliance with ISO EN 14898 was achieved in all tests which defines complete removal of micro-organisms in water. Testing for Total Coliforms does not ISO requirement but requested by Primato.

What is activated carbon:

coconut shell carbon

Activated carbon is a completely natural product and looks visually like a thin, odorless, tasteless and non-toxic black powder. It can be produced from peat, bamboo, charcoal, wood, sawdust, coconut husk, olive kernels but also from other sources. It is heated in a controlled environment and in a vacuum to acquire its characteristic porous surface. These tiny holes or otherwise pores, can to increase the carbon surface area from 500 to 1500 m2/gr. Because of this processing can and binds various substances that come into contact with it, in liquid or gaseous form and in quantities multiples of its weight. One cubic centimeter of activated carbon has the same area as one surface area of 50,000 square meters. Of course, the activated carbon produced from coconut husk is the more ecological and environmentally friendly!

Δημήτρης Αντωνιου
Πρώτη φορά επένδυσα σε έναν πιο ακριβό φίλτρο και εξεπλάγην με τη διαφορά σε ροή νερού και γευστική απόδοση. Τόσα χρόνια επέλεγα πολύ οικονομικά φιλτρα, θεωρώντας ότι όλα κάνουν την ίδια δουλειά. Λάθος μου , αφού 3 μήνες μετα μύριζε το χλώριο, αλλοιώνόνταν η γεύση του νερού και το νερό έτρεχε σαν κορδόνι από τη βρύση, πράγμα εκνευριστικό.
Το φίλτρο το χρησιμοποιώ στην περιοχή της Κυψέλης από τον Ίουνιο 2022 σε συσκευή κάτω από τον πάγκο και ακόμα μας προσφέρει πεντακάθαρο νερό. Άξιζε το κάθε του ευρώ.
Ευχαριστώ τα παιδιά στο κατάστημα που επέμεναν να το δοκιμάσω.
Με κλειστά μάτια πια μόνο αυτό το φίλτρο.
Ελένη Πάσσα
Αγόραζα από άλλη εταιρεία πριν και είπα να δοκιμάσω τη Primato για φίλτρο , τα παιδιά ήταν πολύ εξυπηρετικά και μου είπαν να παρω το συγκεκριμένο ότι ήταν το καλύτερο για μενα. Μέχρι στιγμής είναι όλα καλα αλλά θα το δω στο χρόνο πως θα πάει .
Hacen envios a Cali - Colombia? Que costo tendrian 20 unidades?
Πολλή καλό φίλτρο!
Στη περιοχή που μένω (Αφάντου,Ρόδο),το νερό είναι λες κ βγαίνει από πηγή σε λατομείο!
Με αυτό το φίλτρο η ποιότητα είναι πολλή καλή!!!!
Άψογοι επαγγελματίες ! Συγχαρητήρια !!
Πραγματικά είμαι πολύ ευχαριστημένη με το φίλτρο που αγόρασα και θα ήθελα να ευχαριστήσω τα παιδιά που μ εξυπηρέτησαν και μ εδωσαν την καλύτερη λύση για να κάνω πόσιμο το νερό μου.
Το φίλτρο κάνει ότι υπόσχεται. Είναι πολύ καλό. Πήγα να το αλλάξω μετά από διακοπή νερού, και πραγματικά μέσα στη φιλτροθήκη ήταν γεμάτο χώματα , πράγμα που σημαίνει ότι δεν τα άφησε να περάσουν.
Πέρα από την εξυπηρέτηση του ηλεκτρονικού καταστήματος, που είναι πραγματικά εξαιρετική, το φίλτρο πραγματικά κάνει δουλειά. Επίσης στα θετικά του φίλτρου είναι ότι δεν κόβει την πίεση, παρ όλη την στενότητα του!
Γιαννης Πολυκαρπος
Καλό φίλτρο. Το τοποθέτησα σε περιοχή της Αθήνας (Αμπελόκηποι). Δεν μυρίζει καθόλου χλώριο.
Πολύ καλή επιλογή. Έχω δοκιμάσει διάφορα φίλτρα. Πολύ καλό με τις μυρωδιές του νερού

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